Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Home our Nation

the nations home
 The reason for this post is simple; the land of the free has to have a home to rest at. The home happens to be in Wahington D.C and the D.C. stands for the district of Colombia. This is state in the United States that has taxation without representation. The meaning of that is that the state can raise its state taxes however it feels and the population of people that reside there have no say so or influence because of the possible representitives already have postions in office. Which in return doesnt have polls for the populace to elect would be state senators or city ambassordors. This also is a city that has a hidden history of narcotic crime with the influence of convicted cocaine distributor Rayful Edmonds. The city though not for the african american populace is heavliy populated but african americans. Also remember in the 1990's a famous mayor of the by the name of Marian Berry was caught in a hotel room with a prostitute shooting cocaine in his arms.


  1. What do you think is the most important non-political detail to know about D.C.? Crime? Museums? Troubled education system?

  2. Actually the crime because i cant understand how the center of all given social ordance in america has the somemany crime issues. A person like former D.C. drug kingpin Rayful Edmonds should have never existed in the first place. That shows me right there how unorganized our governments priority to control its own home the way it wants to protect every other nations home
